Hike’n Sail Türkiye Climate Action Partnership with Tomorrow’s Air

Inspired by nature and in recognition of travel’s opportunity to help when it comes to our climate, Hike’n Sail Türkiye is joining Tomorrow’s Air, supporting climate action education and accelerating the development of sustainable aviation fuel and carbon removal with permanent storage.

We learned that alongside conventional carbon offsetting and natural climate solutions, new carbon removal and storage approaches are also needed to help us clean up the trillion tons of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The reality is that even if all carbon dioxide emissions were to halt completely right now, Earth’s warming would continue due to the high levels of carbon dioxide already stored in the atmosphere. The only way to permanently reverse warming is through carbon removal.

Hike’n Sail Türkiye made a carbon removal contribution to Tomorrow’s Air in 2023, funding an order for one ton of carbon dioxide to be removed and permanently stored. Hike’n Sail Türkiye will also support climate conscious travel and carbon removal education with Tomorrow’s Air, supporting online social campaigns, research and industry event content.

Additionally, beginning in January 2024,  Hike’n Sail Türkiye is incorporating a $30 contribution to Tomorrow’s Air into all its trips. Hike’n Sail Türkiye traveler contributions support:

  • Inspiring traveler education about meaningful climate action 
  • 50% to carbon removal and permanent storage 
  • 50% to CO2e via sustainable aviation fuel 

How It Works

The Tomorrow’s Air portfolio of carbon removal innovators includes pioneering companies selected for their technical and hybrid nature-tech solutions that can help restore our climate: Climeworks, Pacific Biochar, Eion Enhanced Rock Weathering and Neste Sustainable Aviation Fuel.  

Traveler and Hike’n Sail Türkiye’s contributions support climate conscious travel education and directly fund emissions reductions via sustainable aviation fuel and carbon removal provided by these companies. 

About Climeoworks

With direct air capture, carbon collectors capture carbon dioxide from ambient air. Air is drawn into the collector with a fan, and adheres to a filter within the collector. Once the filter is saturated, the collector is closed, and the temperature is increased, releasing pure carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, just as a soda machine makes sparkling water.

Graphic courtesy Climeworks

This water mixed with carbon dioxide is then injected deep underground into basaltic rock in Iceland. The basaltic rocks release metals that mix with the carbon dioxide in the water and turn this carbon dioxide into stone. The process safely and permanently removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere since rocks cannot leak out of the ground. The entire process is powered by geothermal energy.

About Pacific Biochar

Pacific Biochar captures and stores carbon dioxide by stabilizing natural processes of decay in organic matter and keeping it safely in the ground. The biochar created is used in soil applications. Biochar can help enhance the overall health of soil by helping hold plant nutrients in topsoil. It also supports increases in crop yield, and can also help conserve water used for crops by improving the water retention of the soil.

About Eion Enhanced Weathering 

Eion’s novel process speeds up the natural process of chemical weathering that causes the breakdown of rocks and minerals, storing carbon dioxide along the way. Eion applies crushed silicate rock – olivine – to soil. Through existing moisture and acidity in the soil, the crushed rock dissolves, resulting in carbon dioxide being pulled from the atmosphere into the solution. The bicarbonate ions that are formed as part of the process over time make their way to the ocean. Once they reach the ocean, they improve ocean alkalinity and remain at the bottom of the ocean for 500,000 years.

About Sustainable Aviation Fuel 

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a  biofuel that can be used to power airplanes. It  is “drop in” fuel that can be mixed with conventional jet fuel and requires no modification to existing jet engines and airport infrastructure. SAF is created from renewable sources such as waste oil and fats, green and municipal waste and non-food crops. These products are processed to produce a more sustainable, safe, and powerful jet fuel substitute that can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80 percent compared to fossil fuel. Despite its benefits, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), reports that the use of sustainable aviation fuels was only 0.1 percent of the total jet fuel consumption in 2022. Tomorrow’s Air is helping to expand the use of sustainable aviation fuel by aggregating and coordinating traveler and travel business demand for it, which will help grow the supply and expand its use.

Hike’n Sail Türkiye Travelers Are A Valuable Part of the Solution

As a global community, travel holds immense potential to support our society’s transition to sustainability. Millions of travelers along with countless travel companies around the world form a potentially powerful collective to embrace climate-conscious travel and support innovative carbon removal solutions that will be needed alongside our forests, oceans, and soils to absorb and store carbon dioxide.

Through their stories and perspectives as well as through their direct contributions to carbon removal with permanent storage, Hike’n Sail Türkiye’s travelers are building the carbon removal movement and providing vital funding for pioneer decarbonization solutions. 

Hike’n Sail Türkiye travelers are encouraged to share their personal travel stories and perspectives with the Tomorrow’s Air community and are invited to 

We All Share the Same Air

Carbon dioxide is extremely well-mixed in our atmosphere: emissions from one part of the world mix in with emissions from other parts of the world. When we reduce the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide—regardless of where on Earth the reduction occurs—the entire atmosphere, and all of us on Earth who are protected by it, benefit.

Let’s band together to restore our climate.