Client Complaint Policy

At Hike’n Sail Türkiye, we are dedicated to providing exceptional travel experiences for our clients. However, we understand that situations may arise where clients are not completely satisfied with certain aspects of their journey. We take such feedback seriously and have established this client complaint policy to ensure that any concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

  1. Reporting a Complaint

If you have a complaint related to any aspect of your tour, please follow these steps:

Contact Your Tour Guide: Your tour guide is your primary point of contact during the tour. They are there to assist and address any concerns you may have in real-time.

Contact Our Office: If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction during the tour, or if you have concerns after the tour has concluded, please contact our office. Provide us with details of your complaint and any relevant supporting documents.

  1. Acknowledgment of Complaint

Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge it within 24 hours through your preferred contact method.

  1. Investigation and Resolution

Thorough Investigation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into your complaint, considering all relevant information.

Resolution Timeframe: We strive to resolve complaints promptly. However, more complex issues may require additional time. We will provide you with an estimated resolution timeframe.

  1. Communication

Regular Updates: We will keep you informed about the progress of our investigation and resolution.

Dedicated Contact: A dedicated contact person will be assigned to you, serving as your main point of contact throughout the resolution process.

  1. Fair Resolution

Resolution Options: We aim to achieve a fair resolution that addresses your concerns and reflects the nature of the complaint.

Compensation: If appropriate, we may offer compensation or an alternative solution as part of the resolution.

  1. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Learning from Complaints: We view complaints as valuable feedback for improvement. Your insights help us enhance our services.

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality

Confidentiality: We treat all complaints and associated information with strict confidentiality.

  1. Enhancing Our Services

Feedback Utilization: We use feedback from complaints to continually enhance our services and prevent similar issues in the future.

Contact / Responsible person

All staff is responsible for the ownership and undertaking of this policy.

All staff is responsible for the promotion and implementation of this sustainability policy within their departments. The implementation of this policy will be led by the Sustainability Coordinator, Liliana Rios Santana, who can be reached at

Effective date

 This policy is effective from August 18th, 2023.

Hike’n Sail Türkiye